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Trial Support
Your needs in the courtroom are all over the board. Our consultants are experts in technology, audio and video, and litigation.

With RPL in your corner, you can rest assured that your presentation will work flawlessly, that the lines of communication to your office or trial consultant are in place and reliable, and that every case asset, discovery and demonstrative alike, are readily available.
Courtroom A/V
RPL consultants are expert in the intricacies of audio visual needs for presentation during trial. We’ve worked in jurisdictions of all sizes, locations and technology set-ups, so we know the variety of environments you face from trial to trial. We coordinate with your venue and internal staff to ensure that the equipment and set-up you need is in place, and you can focus on the content of your case presentation. Our A/V expertise and support mean that your presentation will help you connect with the jury, not get in the way of it
We help you present your case in the courtroom, making every effort to anticipate your needs. We address any concerns or problems that might arise during the course of trial to ensure that you can focus on the law and case matters. Whether you choose our proprietary OnPoint Viewer, or prefer TrialDirector, PowerPoint, Sanction, Summation or another toolset, we can run your presentation, or assist you in doing so yourself.
In today’s world of highly technological and connected courtrooms, the technology needed to conduct a successful trial keeps growing and changing. But sometimes that means that it is getting too complicated for a non-technologist. We provide all the technology you need for trial: tablet/notebook, projectors, routers, printers and scanners, power and cabling, camera and video, and more! Simply request the technology you want for YOUR custom “mobile war room” and it will be included in your package along with a dedicated RPL litigation/technology consultant.
RPL consultants have been working alongside attorneys for nearly a decade. Because we work with you from beginning to end, we are familiar with the nuances of your case.

Our multimedia/tech consultants will not only shoot your deposition video, but will also help you load documents into your timeline, run your trial presentation, and give you input on your case.

Our trial consultants will not only give you input on case strategy, but also prepare your witnesses for depositions and trial, oversee focus groups, advise on jury selection and work directly with your client and trial team.
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