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Present your client's case clearly and effectively at trial. Demonstrate the important events in your case with our customizable interactive timelines. OnPoint Timelines allow you to easily manage and present minutes, days, months and years of events. OnPoint Timelines let you:
           - Attach discovery items and demonstratives to events
           - Utilize many intuitive features to simply present your case
           - Customize the look and feel of your timeline

What would traditionally take many sheets of cumbersome paper or expensive blow-up boards to display is now available in a straight-forward, powerful digital interface.

Link discovery and demonstrative evidence to timeline events

Documents (with call-outs)

Add supporting documents to an event, and call out critical information

Deposition clips

Add a deposition clip to highlight an event with expert or eyewitness testimony

Diagnostic Imagery

Add an MRI, X-ray or other imagery to the event for diagnosis or injury


Show the geographic location an event occurred


Illustrate the scene with your accident reconstruction expert’s video


Put your illustrations in context by attaching them to the Injury event

Medical Records

Demonstrate a medical procedure by attaching relevant records to the date of the procedure


Attach a logbook page and meal receipt to show a truck driver’s location as an event

Site Visit

Use the video shot during a premises visit to show a site’s conditions at a particular time

Inspection Video

Attach the inspection video of a car to the event for the wreck

3rd party applications (CT viewer)

Include your custom material or applications to thoroughly illustrate an injury

Day in the Life video

Include a Day In The Life Video on an event when using a Timeline during mediation


Review a corporate or regulatory (such as the FDA) website to highlight policies

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