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About OnPoint Timelines  |  How it Works  |  Pricing
Present your client's case clearly and effectively at trial. Demonstrate the important events in your case with our customizable interactive timelines. OnPoint Timelines allow you to easily manage and present minutes, days, months and years of events. OnPoint Timelines let you:
           - Attach discovery items and demonstratives to events
           - Utilize many intuitive features to simply present your case
           - Customize the look and feel of your timeline

What would traditionally take many sheets of cumbersome paper or expensive blow-up boards to display is now available in a straight-forward, powerful digital interface.

Specify your preferences for the layout, look and feel of your Timeline

Modify the background

Add a background image

Modify the background

Add colors, gradients and patterns

Modify categories and spans

Select category and span colors and icons

Modify titles and descriptions

Edit the titles and descriptions of your events directly in the timeline

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